There are a lot of things happen after 2 months I don’t write anything in this blog. Leony came to Indonesia for her internship and I could manage to meet her twice. It must be so nice to meet a true friend that you haven’t seen for almost 2 years. Time was ticking so fast in Klaten and 2 days were short enough to share our stories.
We visited some beaches with Leo’s host family in Kulonprogo district. I forgot the names, but they are beautiful. One day was insufficient to explore Kulonprogo (I’ve been there for a couple hours with Misha during our field visit, but I just realized that Kulonprogo has a lot worthy places to visit).
Next day was Yogya time. After having one day with natural view, second day’s theme was modern view. Mall is the representative for modern view, and the best mall in Yogya is absolutely Ambarukmo Plaza (where else??). While touring Yogya, my conversation with Leo was not end. 2 years separated makes the story flew like water. Malioboro and Saphir Mall were our other destinations. Maghrib time, I had to go back to Jakarta and say good bye to Leo. I promised her that I am going to visit her again and I really met her again with Simone one month later when I had to interpret for one training in Yogya.
One thing missing, Icha was not with us.....Wish she could join.....
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