This time, I am going to promote a young Indonesian novelist who has published 3 novels that inspiring me and some friends who had read the novels. His name is Andrea Hirata and his novels are based on his own life.
The novel is about the efforts of children who tried to pursue their dreams in acquiring education. The story line is simple but the way he made the story is really cool. There will be a time to smile at the children's innocent, laugh at their silly actions, but there will also be another time to cry on their hard efforts to get education, feel sad of all their limitation and feel lucky because my life is luckier than them. Andrea wrote all the journey of his life ironically and touchable
I can't stop reading the novel until i finish it. the story and the way Andrea wrote the story is really good. Furthermore, it is based on true story. After reading the novel, I am sure that the readers will learn a lot of moral messages, teased by all the ironics, and burn with all the spirits.
It is tetralogy, but Andrea has published 3 of them, LASKAR PELANGI, SANG PEMIMPI and EDENSOR.
No doubt, the novels are must read novels. Don't wait until they are sold out.........
Nih novel baru ya? Knapa nda' pernahka dengar ki? memang seh lama ma nda ke Gramed..
Ini sequel atau beda2 tiap buku...
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Thanks for your comment guys. Novelnya sendiri sebenarnya sebaiknya dibaca berurut karena main actor nya satu yaitu si penulis sendiri. It is really inspiring
Also, thanks to Fam Visser for reading my blog. Nice to know that someone is reading my blog. Thank You
waaaauuuuw......the tetralogy of andrea hirata is the best!!!!!
terobosan dalam dunia novel yang ngasih sesuatu yang beda........apalagi bwt orang2 yang punya mimpi dlm hidup dan yang menyukai tantangan !!!!
Andrea Hirata satu lagi pembuktian bahwa org yg jujur & bekerja keras, tidak selamanya terpuruk d negeri ini. Mirip dgn kisah hidup suamiku yg dulu penjaja susu sapi murni tapi kini bisa memiliki pekerjaan yg baik d BUMN yg sama tempat Mr. Hirata bekerja. Yg membawa pada pembuktian kedua bahwa PT.TELKOM mampu menghargai pekerja keras & jujur. Bravo Mr.Hirata... Bravo PT.TELKOM. Tetaplah mencari, masih banyak mutiara2 berharga dlm wadah intelegensi & kejujuran d negeri ini. Yg menunggu ntk diasah agar tertebar cahayanya.
Aku udah khatam baca Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi dan Edensor.. Emang tiga2nya keren dan gokil banget, serta tdk meninggalkan semangat "Belitong"nya, tiba2 aja Belitong jadi demikian terkenal gara2 Andrea.
Skrg ada LP edisi hard cover, dan moga2 aja ada Novel yg akan di-translate ke Bahasa Inggris, biar bule2 dan org asing bisa baca... Juga biar ada merchandise khas dr Indonesia, berupa novel Andrea in English...
satu kata buat buku-bukunya..keren!!!!
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