Wednesday, 3 main calls
I got 3 important calls which successfully stabilizing my mood for a whole day. The first one was from Obul (my roommate in Makassar), he complained a lot to me because I never called or even sms him, sorry bro. The second call was from Gil, my hosptality club friend, he informed me that he is going to be in Jakarta for 2 days, so he wanted to see me. The third call was from Eom Dae Won, my Korean SPACE friend, he called me more than 10 minutes. The calling from Dae Won was really surprising me because we never had conversation since June 2006. He is in Japan now, pursuing his master degree as a private student (Ganbarimashou…..!!!)
Thursday, 3 nice Gurus
I met 3 persons who gave me more spirit to explore the world. The first one was Gil from Phillipines, he came to Jakarta as a traveller. He loves travelling and he just currently made a long trip in Malaysia and Singapore. And he is in Bali now, enjoying Bali because everyday is Sunday in Bali. The second one was Mr. Mukhsan, my lecturer who just transit in Jakarta from Japan to go to Makassar. He just graduated as PhD in Kyushu University (one of the top universities in Japan). I met him when I was in Japan and He saved me of getting lost in Fukuoka by offering Mr. Nawir’s apartment to spend the night. (Thanks pak). The last one was Kak Agus Muktamar, he was my dorm friend in Makassar and currently working in the Minstry of External Affair. He started live in Jakarta one month ago and just finished his internship in New York and Netherland. Let’s see when can I go abroad again, just like them……
Saturday, 3 perky calls
I got 3 calls which made me feel I am not alone….The first one was from Hirjan, he called me when my college friends were gathered and plan to go to Bulukumba to attend Awan’s Funeral Procession. I was not only talk with Hirjan, but he offered the phone to Mirah, my other civil engineering friend who speaks English fluently, Pipink and Ancha. The second one was from Leony, she called me from Germany and told me her purpose to do internship in Indonesia on the next couple months, I was so happy about the call because I miss talking with Leony so much, I miss u more than much Leo J. The last one was from Edo, my civil engineering friend, he called me because my friends were gathered after Awan’s funeral and he felt someone was missing in the gathering which was me(thanks buddy). Edo also offered his phone to some friends like Ucu, Maliq and Agus. Miss gathering with them as what we did in Polygon.
That’s 3, Tiga, Three, San, Telu, Tellu or whatever language I want to use. This number is so special this week. But again, this is not a promotion to use this CDMA card because until now, I am still stuck in my old SIM card and not gonna change it.
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